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Is Travel Insurance Worth it?

Ask yourself these questions about your trip to see if travel insurance is the right option for you.

Dec 3, 2018, 10:59 AM

Insurance isn’t the first thing on your wish list. However, you’re happy you have insurance once you need to use it. We’ve compiled a checklist of questions that will help you decide if travel insurance is worth it for your next trip.

Some factors that should be included when deciding if you really need travel insurance:

How much have you invested in your trip?

Trip costs can add up quickly. Consider how much you are spending on your non-refundable pre-paid accommodations, transportation, activities, and meals. If something were to go wrong, could you afford to lose the money you spent on the trip? Even if you could afford it, would you want to lose the money? Cruise vacations are a great example of an investment vacation. If your flight is delayed and you miss your cruise ship leaving the port, you would be able to file a claim for a missed connection or trip cancellation. For more information about travel insurance for cruise ships, check out our iTravelInsured Travel SE plan.

Are you traveling outside of your home country?

If you are traveling outside of your home country, you may not be covered by your domestic health insurance plan. You may also want to consider the type of healthcare that the country offers. Some of the most exotic locations have underdeveloped healthcare systems. If you were to get sick or be injured, you may not be able to receive the same level of care that you would need back home. In severe cases, you would need to be medically evacuated to a nearby facility. You might even be transported to another country. These medical evacuation flights can be expensive. It’s worth the peace of mind of having insurance so that you aren’t stuck far away from home with a huge medical bill. For more information about travel medical insurance coverage, view our Patriot Travel Medical Insurance.

Are you traveling to somewhere during severe weather season?

Mother nature has a mind of her own. Often, you can score great deals on hotels and airfare during the offseason. The off season may come with less than favorable weather. With an iTravelinsured plan, there are several benefits including:

  • Trip cancellation – if you need to cancel your trip due to weather, you can file a claim for reimbursement
  • Trip interruption – if you are traveling and your trip is interrupted due to severe weather
  • If you live somewhere prone to severe weather and you cannot return home from a trip due to your home being uninhabitable

What kinds of activities are you planning for your trip? Adventure sports?

If you are planning any type of physical activity, you will want to protect yourself with travel medical insurance. The physical activity can be as low impact as walking across the pool to grab your sunscreen. You slip, fall, and have a broken arm. Or maybe you are going on a hiking or ski trip. The last thing anyone wants is to get hurt while on a trip of a lifetime -but it does happen. Patriot Travel Medical Insurance has an optional adventure sports rider for the adventurous members of your travel group engaging in ‘off piste’ activities. We know you weren’t aiming for that patch of ice, but accidents happen.

Does your credit card cover travel insurance?

Some credit cards do offer some travel insurance benefits, and these vary by card. Most cards do not offer as high of a maximum limit that you may need for important benefits such as medical evacuation. Credit card companies often only provide coverage only if you book the entire trip using their card. They also may require a deductible. When you pair the deductible with the annual fee for your credit card, you will often find that it is less expensive to purchase a plan through a third-party insurance company such as IMG. Please consult with your credit card company before assuming that you are covered.

Are you booking this trip last minute or several months in advance?

If you are booking a trip last minute, you probably don’t need trip cancellation benefits. The best plan to purchase is a travel medical plan. Larger trips, such as holiday plans, family reunions, and international trips require much more planning. You may not know what Mother Nature has in store for your dream Parisian vacation. For example, perhaps you find a great deal on a vacation to Florida right in the middle of hurricane season. By purchasing your plan before the storm is named, you are protecting your trip from any interruptions due to severe weather.  

This article is offered for informational purposes alone. Only the insurance plan itself determines the benefits available to you in any situation. Please refer to the specific Certificate of Insurance or Policy Wording for a summary of the benefits provided by each plan.

6 Factors To Consider for Travel Insurance

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